
Monday, November 26, 2007

Work from Home Building Content Sites!

Work from Home Building Content Sites!

by: Damion Flynn, Internet Marketer

"Content is King" is a popular saying among Internet Marketers hoping to make a fortune off of article-based websites, but how do you really create a good website that will allow you to make money when you work from home?

Article based sites, generally coded with affiliate based content-driven ads from suppliers such as Google with their Adsense program, are the "newest thing" in the online marketing arena. Everyone is hoping to grab their fortunes utilizing this style of website, but the real question is "How do you really make money?"

If you go to popular websites such as eBay and look up the term "work from home" or "adsense" you will undoubtedly find hundreds (if not thousands) of work from home "opportunities" that you can purchase for anywhere from $30 - $30,000. How do you know which ones are worth buying, and better yet, how much of "an opportunity" is it if you have to buy it?

It is important when you evaluate a work from home program, you do your research, whether it be an Adsense site, selling communications products, or even sellingcandles (this is a great money maker by the way - see The primary focus of this article though, is utilizing content to create a content-driven site that will make good money utilizing adsense.

There are literally hundreds of books on the subject of Adsense alone, but all you really need to know is how to write a good article (great tips at

If you have ever looked through eBay at the work from home opportunities utilizing Google's Adsense program, you have seen hundreds of sites all claiming to be "new to ebay" or "the newest thing" or some other tagline sales pitch. The truth of the matter is, they are all a waste of money! You heard it here folks. Take it from someone who is making in excess of $5k a month just off adsense alone - I have never made a dime off some pre-fab adsense site bought from eBay.

The simple truth is that these sites sold at auction are oversold which leads to saturation in the market (meaning there are too many of the identical site). Once Google sees a few identical sites, it will drop them all as "dupes" (short for duplicates). These sites, after selling about 20-30 copies, basically become garbage. So how do you make money with adsense then?

In order to get quality traffic to your site, you need to write your own content and think "outside the box" to get visitors to your site. There are many ways to do this and by talking to experienced marketers, you too could be making serious cash with content-driven sites.

To talk directly with successful adsense marketers, come join the forums at Not only will you gain valuable insight to the marketing world, you will also have the chance to have your questions answered directly by the people making good money with adsense already. If you are ready to take your sites to the next level and be able to work from home full time, come join us today, get that insight, and get free stuff just for being a member!

Copyright Damion Flynn -