
Monday, November 26, 2007

Who is watching You?

Which is your preferred reality TV show: Survivor, Real World, American Idol, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, Big Brother, Dog Days, Starting Over, or Temptation Island? Or is it Paradise Hotel, Playing it Straight, Mad Mad House, Love Cruise, Last Comic Standing or Next Action Star? Would you prefer Road Rules, My Big Fat Fiancé, Forever Eden, Fame, Both Camp, or the longer name Beg, Borrow and Deal? How about The Apprentice, Top Model, Rebel Billionaire, Extreme Makeover, I Want a Famous Face, and Fear Factor. Consider a more bizarre list: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Queer Eye for the Straight Girl, Can You Be a Porn Star?, Wife Swap, and Murder in Small Town X. Because the list is long, I had to abridge it. (What an abridgement!) So, forgive me if I excluded your favorite.

It appears, nowadays, that everyone has a new concept for reality TV. (Next season watch out for these new shows coming your way: The Cut, Rock Star, Fire me . . . Please.) But not all new concepts make it to TV land. Some, like the dream conquests of Hannibal and Napoleon, are writ on water. For the other day while browsing the Web, I came across these "new" ideas for reality TV shows, which might never see daylight: Ultimate Reality, World's Scariest Prostitute Chases, World's Most Uneventful Videos, Middle School Blind Date, Rent-a-Cops, When Hobos Attack, Joe Heterosexual, Accountants, The Saddams, Meet my Internet Stalkers, I'm an Online Gamer. Since everyone is coming up with their own concepts for reality TV, I shan't be undone. So here are mine: Tax Evaders and My neighbors, the Terrorists.

The proliferation of reality TV shows only highlights their popularity—they are over a hundred of them running on cable alone. And their ratings are enough to make TV producers dream up more. For out of 10 most viewed television programs 5 are reality shows. Like the smash hit among reality buffs, Big Brother. But little do the many fans of these shows realize its allusion to Orwell's classic novel, 1984, where the machinery of a totalitarian state, personified by an anonymous "Big Brother," oversees the lives of its citizens. In the book spy cameras were every where—in the bathrooms, in bedrooms, and at places of work!

In the days of yore spying was the sole reserve of Intelligence agencies. Like the American CIA, the British MI6, the Israeli Mossad, and the defunct Soviet Union's KGB. Now, anyone who has the right tools and a little time could play "Big Brother." Like in Thailand, Asia, where peeping-Toms run amok and famous actresses and ministers are filmed having sex in their own boudoirs, and beamed live to viewers all over the country. (The Clinton / Lewinsky fiasco was sissy stuff.)

And not too long ago in Spain, a man was caught by the Spanish police for spying, and stealing people's data through their webcams. Scary? I have heard worse. Because you can also be spied upon through your computer monitor.

Paranoia appears to be necessary in today's brave new world. Because privacy is nix. Hear this from Andrew Shen, a privacy analyst at the Electronics Privacy information Center (EPIC): "Most people haven't fully grasped how everything that you see or do on the Internet is recorded and stored somewhere." Or this more harrowing remark from Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems: "You already have zero privacy—get used to it."

Yes, get over it. Because in today's knowledge obsessed world, data is priced commodity. And any organization—or individual—who wants it will. And the sad thing about this is that we most times give it away without knowing. Did you just ask how? Simple. You are the kind that likes to download lot of free stuff—music, games, softwares and what have you. But what you never knew is that you are actually paying for those programs with your personal data. Surprised? Don't be. (There is no such thing as a free lunch.) And when this data is taken and used for marketing purposes it can also be sold to a third party, who may use it for whatever it pleases.

And if you're not tricked into giving your data away, there are always insidious programs like Cookies and Trojan horses. A Cookie is a program which you sometimes download for the better viewing of certain websites. (It is a security loophole and can be used by skilled hackers and crackers to infiltrate your system.) A Trojan horse—like the fabled wooden horse which the Greeks used in infiltrating Troy—is a back door to your computer which a cracker can use whenever he or she desires to steal data. Or simply take over your computer to cause mayhem. (To discover a Trojan horse—it works invisibly—a good antivirus like Norton, MacAfee, or even Panda is required.)

They are a lot of compromised websites out there embedded with Spywares and Trojan Horses. But the problem is—it's impossible to tell a normal website from a compromised one. So what do you do? The best bet is to browse without downloading anything you don't trust. I personally prefer this advice from Bob Kane's and Bill Fingers' Batman: "Trust nobody." Because your friends' computers or emails maybe compromised without them ever knowing it. (Never open an attachment you are not expecting, even from those you know.)

With the Net and the Web came good things. Like the exchange of knowledge and ideas (a student studying micro electronics somewhere in Srilanka maybe reading the latest development in nanotechnology published by professors in MIT.) People interact today from far corners of the globe who would not have met ten years ago (a boy from South Africa chatting with a girl from the Philippines). We can download the latest music through Mp3s. We can send and receive pictures and home movie videos. But for all this freedom which the web gives we pay a price—we forfeit our privacies. Because anyone, anywhere on the Web, who is interested, can trace us. (Our digital tracts are everywhere.)

So, even if you choose to move unnoticed like a phantom by using an Anonymizer—a software which masks your identity—it's all just a means to make us feel better. Because the fact is no matter what we do on the Net, no matter how we try to conceal our movements or even use softwares to protect our privacies—Big Brother is watching us!

Val .K. is a poet, and a nature lover. A collection of his poems "Without a Name" will soon be published by AuthorHouse, U.S.A. For personal contact, send mails to:

About the Author
Val .K. is a free lance writer, a book reviewer, a poet, and a nature lover.

Who said nothing is for free?

So many people wonder how companies can afford to give away freebies. I received 250
business cards for free the other day and my friends couldn't understand how I got so much free stuff. I said, "You just fill out a survey and they send you something." But there's much more to it than that. One of the main reasons companies give out free samples is to give customers an incentive to go to their site. Often times, users will buy additional items if they're on sale. Giving out freebies is not only a cost effective way of promotion but also can be a viral marketing strategy since most people who request the freebie tell their friends about it, who tell their friends about it, etc.

Still, giving away free offers can create a major dent in the company's budget. Some
businesses offset the price of the freebie by having sponsors. There are many ways to go about this. Many have co-registration checkmarks on the form, or request the person's e-mail address to keep them updated on new products.

It's important to keep the cost of the freebies down even if there are sponsors.
Generally, freebies are .50 cents to a dollar, but it depends on the kind of arrangement each company has with the post service. Another big reason companies offer free samples is to get return customers. Giving away freebies is a great way to generate trial and awareness. Obviously, if a user receives a product in the mail, tries it, and likes it, they're going to probably buy it next time they see it in the grocery store or online.

Normally companies expect 10 percent of consumers to redeem a coupon. For freebies,
the request or return rate is often higher. When asked about the kind of feedback
they get, some companies said they generally see an increase in the response rate from 5 to 50 percent. Some days there are lots of requests, and other days it's steady. It all depends on who finds out bout the freebie.

If the publisher of a large newsletter hears about an offer, a company can expect more requests than usual if they publish the offer in their newsletter. There are also other reasons or ways of offering freebies. One company, Girl Power! ( is a national education campaign that was developed and supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They are able to give free materials because the government recognizes that those items are good for the health of the people in America. There are a lot of other U.S. Government organizations that provide free materials.

Lastly, most companies that give away freebies don't anticipate the high response
rate that they receive; therefore a lot of times they can't afford to give away all of their freebies. Freebie hunters can help this by only requesting freebies they are really interested in. Also, freebie hunters use unethical practices such as giving out wrong e-mail addresses, or other information which is what helps the marketer afford to give out freebies. If you don't want to be added to someone's mailing list, then don't request the freebie.

About the Author
Nicole Seekely is the publisher of The Panda Pages weekly e-zine. You can contact her at Also, visit her website at for freebies, cool sites, and more. To
subscribe to her e-zine send an e-mail to

Why And How To Get Published

1. Why get your words and ideas published:
This is how you develop share of mind. This is how you create name recognition. This is how you generate credibility as an expert in your field. This is how you make your phone ring for possible speaking gigs.
This is how you establish and perpetuate your market position. This is how you get to have the thrill of causing prospects to discover you–and call you regarding your services and your products. And this is how you inspire referrals.
Plus this: Your published articles document your position and your mastery in your field. They are better than any brochure. Your prospects start to feel they've seen your name somewhere. You must be a somebody!
And–reprints of your articles may be used in your promo kit forever. More than that, because you always retain the copyright to each article, you can get them published over and over again for as long as you like. (The publication gets first rights only.)
In addition–you can keep every article in your computer and customize them for various markets endlessly. You cast the words for that market. You include their jargon, make references to examples from their industry, personalize each with quotes from known leaders in each industry.
2. What to always include:
You always include offers to send the reader more information. Important, crucial, vital and alluring stuff there's no room for in the article. For example, copies of your Special Reports. �The 10 best ways to...� �The 7 actions that...� �3 Strategies That Always...� �The 7 steps to...� �What never to do when...�
The titles of your free stuff are to be grabbers. Seductive, exciting, must-have. Make them so engaging that reader can't resist desiring them. Now. So enticing that reader gets out of that comfortable chair at home, backs the car out of the garage and drives in the dark of night through a raging blizzard to the post office to mail you their request.
People love it when you amplify, quantify, and simplify. And when it's free for the asking. You offer to send this material by regular mail and not,.by e-mail. That's how you capture correct spelling of reader's name and address, and often the phone number–as well as other insights.
You may choose to ask for a stamped, self-addressed #10 envelope. This makes it harder for reader to get your precious pearls. You do this to put off the free loaders who aren't prospects anyway.
You may ask only that reader phones you. Let your experience guide you on this.
3. Where to place your offer:
Here's a nugget to burn into your consciousness: Bury your offer deep inside a paragraph near the end of your article. Why? Reader then has direct access to you even if editor does not permit a callout box.
4. How to get published:
You may self-publish. (I continue to do this.) You write a Paper. A Study. A Report. A Special Report. Call it what you will. Produce it on your computer. Be sure to use the spell-check feature. Punctuate with care. Most of us need an editor to review our work. I'm an excellent writer-editor. And I have 2 editors. They spot the glitches I miss. They clean up my prose.
5. You may get published in journals, newspapers, magazines, newsletters as well as in corporate and association in-house publications. These may be local, regional, national, or international.
Here are real examples: Tony Alessandra gets over a hundred articles in print every month. Most are in professional and trade publications only read by those in that field. Tony actually has a full-time staffer who does nothing except get articles placed.
His same articles, with minor edits and appropriate industry jargon included, are published again and again. You can do this, too.
Marjorie Brody is another fine speaker who gets herself a lot of print by relentlessly submitting articles to editors hungry for whatever serves the interests of their readers.
Phone the editors of publications read by decision-makers who can hire you to speak or train or consult. Tell the editor you're an expert writer and researcher. Do not reveal that you are a speaker, not yet.
Ask for a couple of back issues of the publication. Ask what their preferred number of words is. Ask about any editorial bias.
In particular, ask what issues are hot in that industry. Ask what gaps in editorial coverage need to be filled. Say you're more than willing to do what it takes to unearth valuable insights readers will treasure.
When you read those back issues, pay special attention to the writing style. Some publications only print what is in their preferred style. Many publications accept only what fits their ideas of format, style and slant.
Some will not pay you at all. This is OK if your aim is simply to be in print as much as possible. (Tony and Marjorie have no interest in being paid. They want the exposure and the recognition as experts in their respective fields.)
And some publications will give you an ad or at the minimum, a complimentary subscription. If they give you an ad, you can promote your books and tapes.
Further, some publications have reprint budgets. When they won't pay you, you can request a quantity of reprints of your article on heavy glossy stock. Ask for 1000 reprints. Their only cost is the paper and a few minutes of press time. Your value is substantial because you can send out samples of your article for many years as part of your promo kit.
If you're asked to send samples of what you've written, send a cover letter on your letterhead. Be sure everything in the envelope is professional and that it adds to your credibility as the expert you say you are.
Another touch of spin you can employ is a subhead under your article title, from the forthcoming book, (name of book). This adds prestige to your name. It also gives you a worthy target–to actually write the book, article by article. (That's not such a bad idea!)
6. Always request a callout. This is a little box with your access information, street address, City, State, District or Province, Postal Code, country, as well as your e-mail and www addresses. You may not get all you ask for– and if you don't ask, you definitely won't get any of this
7. Always request a head shot. This is a small professionally posed photo of your head and maybe your upper chest. Many editors won't provide this. Some will. You have nothing to lose by asking.
8. When an editor likes your style and you get 2 or 3 articles in that publication, recommend that you do a column every month for that publication. Jeffrey Gitomer now is a regular columnist in 60 or 70 business journals all over the USA.
Jeffrey told me he endured rejection after rejection for years before he finally hit. For samples of his columns, get his book, The Sales Bible.
He also told me how he merchandises and generates more value from his articles. He sends reprints to prospects and clients, frames and laminates
his reprints for the office wall, includes reprints in his ads, and in his direct mail pieces.
9. Consider a letter to the editor: Present your thoughtful rebuttal to views expressed by another expert. Be literate and make sense.
(Sending enough of these is like throwing mud at a barn wall. Some of it will stick.) Some of your letters will be published.
People read these letters. Thus, they get to know who you are. Hold your letters to not over 125-160 words. Start with a summary of your views. include some evidence. Stick to the point and the facts. Send them by e-mail or fax. Include your full name and address.
Burt Dubin, a 20 year veteran of the business of speaking, coaches and mentors speakers and wanna-be's world-wide. Burt works with people who want to be speakers and with speakers who want to be masters. The words of his clients, the admiration and respect expressed for his work by some of the world's most successful speakers, testify to the values he delivers. For samples of his wisdom, simply go to his web-site, Down-load some of the 12 FREE articles and 20 FREE newsletters.
Burt Dubin, 1 Speaking Success Road, Kingman, Arizona 86402-6543, USA. Phone 800-321-1225. Fax 928-753-7554. mailto:
� Copyright 2002 Burt Dubin

Why Free Makes It Easy - You've got to give before you get principle.

Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type in a search box on the internet? Knowing what this word is and using it to it's fullest extent can literally EXPLODE your sales if you run an online business. Let me explain.

The all important word is FREE!!!

The word that is used in searches on the internet more than any other is FREE. Everyone loves something for nothing. No one wants to pay for something if they can get it for free.

Think about all the times you have searched for something on the internet. Weather it was for information, a service, a product, in fact anything. Did you just type in the description, a keyword or phrase, or did you put 'free' before it? If you obmitted the word free, when the search engines generated the results, I gaurentee it gave you a list of 'related searches' containing the keywords you used with 'free' in front of them.

The benefit of giving something for free.

As an online business, if you offer a product, service or some information for free, it can have great returns.

First of all it boosts your search engine rankings. As the word is typed into a search more than any other, having it optimized on your website will have amazing dividends.

Once a customer has found you in their search results, further use of the word free will draw them in even more. Giving them something for nothing if they visit your site is a big attraction. In fact it is such a huge attraction that I can't emphisize how important it is.

How giving something for free can make you money.

When someone visits your site to claim their freebie, several things can happen.

In order to get their free product, they have to give you their name and email address. This is the #1 reason for offering it to them in the first place.

It is highly unlikely that someone will buy something on their first visit to a website. And unless there is an excellent reason for them to return, they may never visit again.

By having their email address, you can contact them and remind them to revisit your site. You can offer them 'special offers' and affiliate sales through your correspondence emails.

It is a well known fact that there needs to be an average of 7 contacts (sales pitches, remind revisits, offers ect...)with a customer before they will actually buy something. The reasons for this are quite lengthy and are a whole other article, so lets stick to the matter at hand.

By being able to have the important contact with your customers, your chances of them making a purchase have increased significantly.

They learn to 'trust you', you become familiar to them and that is what often clinches the deal. You gain these things from your customers and then they buy.

So, that's how you make money from giving away something for free.

The quality of free.

The item that you offer, weather it be a subscription to an ezine, an ebook, report or software, MUST be of good quality.

If the customer receives their freebie and the quality is poor, they will not come back to your website and buy anything.

Even if you are the best website in your niche, offering the best deals, they will never find out, because they just won't come back.

On the other hand, if they are impressed by their free gift, they are more than likely to visit you website again and again. High quality, useful products are an essential if you want the 'freeie offer' to work for you.

How you can drive traffic to your website using 'free'.

Classified ads are a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website. The headline and description should be centered around the infamous "what's in it for me". That is offering them a freebie. This will intice them to click the link and visit your website.

You can post classifieds for free. Just type 'free classifieds' into the search box and choose from the 1000's of results that the search engines produce. Submit your ads often and the traffic will keep coming.

Other ways to drive traffic using 'free'.

Simply use it anywhere your ads appear. If you publish articles, reports or ebooks, put your offer in your resource box. If you use pay-per-click, use the offer as your ad copy. Advertising in ezines, weather its your own, an affiliates or bought advertising, again use the free offer in your resource box.

Choose carefully.

When deciding on what it is that you will give way, there is one piece of advice that is vital.

Make the free item appropriate to you audience. Whatever niche you operate it, stick with the theme.

If you offer an ebook on 'how to knit fancy tea cosies' and your business sells musical instuments, you will be heading for a problem.

The customer will visit your website to get their ebook. They will download it and probably be very pleased if it contained high quality information on 'how to knit fancy tea cosies'. When you contact them via email with for example a 'special offer on violin strings', unless by some highly unlikely, random chance that they play the violin, they will not visit your website again.

No matter how many emails you send them, their interest was tea cosies, not musical instuments. Why should they visit your site again? The fact is they won't.

So be mindful of what your own niche actually wants and give it to them.

In conclusion, the more you offer freebies, the more money you will make.

It is one of the best traffic drivers and is a straight forward concept.

Now that you have this little golden nugget of valuable information, get to work. Plan what you could offer, to whom, when and where.

Decide on a product that you can legally give away. Make it something that is usefull to your own niche market. Adcertise it everywhere you can and your opt-in-list will grow very quickly. After all 'the money is in the list', but again, that's another article.

Below is a perfect example of the 'free' offer. I didn't make it up, it's for real and it works.


Jane Harper, Webmaster. All-In-One Toolbox for Webmasters. 28 Amazing 'must-have' tools. FREE!!!

"This incredible kit turned my small online business into a huge success. My opt-in-list grew so fast that my sales hit the roof" Editor of affiliates 'r' us eZine.

Download YOUR free copy now at


Jane Harper, Webmaster.

Copyright (c) 2006

About the author:

Jane Harper, Webmaster at

Do you want to run a successful and highly profitable internet business, from home? If you are serious about making money online, visit us now Free stuff available if you visit now.

Why is any site special?

Is it because the site is unique? Is it because the site loads the quickest, has the freshest content, is easiest to use, or contains the best resources? Is the site so useful or so much fun that people SIMPLY CANNOT stop talking about it?
You guessed it, it's all of the above (and more!).
Making any website a "wow!" takes time, and there really are no quick-fix solutions. But it is possible to make your site special - a site that visitors bookmark without you asking; one that they willingly tell ALL their friends about.
Use your brain! It is *the* single best resource you have when trying to create a website with wow-appeal. It is vital you use your brain to be creative, to be inventive, to be different! (I mean just how interested are you in yet another version of (the brilliantly simple) ?)
If you have yet to build your site, I can recommend Site Build It!, however ( Site Build It! lets you use your brain, lets you explore your passion. It provides the tools to allow you to build (and promote) a site that pleases both the search engines AND site visitors. Quite simply, you concentrate on your business (or passion), let Site Build It! do the rest!
Intelligent and imaginative use of these excellent services WILL make your website a compelling place to visit, a website with "wow!" Add a newsfeed Create a community Offer free stuff
Add search to your site Offer a prize or competition
Let visitors play games Write an article (or three)
The web is literally brim-full with free website building tools that can really improve your website. Again, you are only limited by your own imagination (or creative combination of other people's imagination!). I recommend you visit all of these sites, and get thinking...
- (script called birdcast) - -
- - - -
Think for a while about the sites that *you* really like, and think why it is that you like them. And always be on the look- out for good ideas, both online and offline.
Make your site a "wow!", and get everyone talking about (and visiting) your site. Sounds simple, doesn't it! It isn't, but there are lots of tools and resources on the Internet to help you. Just add your brain... then create a buzz!
Steve Nash edits Promote! Promote! Promote! a twice-monthly newsletter. Subscribe, and learn more about promoting your business (or site) online: This article appears on his latest site called How I Promote My Website -

Why Would You Add A Message Board To Your Site?

One of the things that I like to do every single day is surf the internet. I love finding new sites which have interesting information, graphics or other useful or merely entertaining data. It's a normal part of my routine, and I make it a point to visit at least a dozen sites each night.

When I visit a site, I make a point of looking for some standard features which increase the value of my stop. One of these things is a guestbook - why? Because I want to sign it and let the webmaster know that I appreciate his or her efforts. This is important to me, as someone went to some trouble to communicate, and I like to communicate back, even if it's just a "nice site, thanks". Sometimes I have to spend an extra few minutes to find something to compliment, but I usually am successful.

I also look for a link to send an email to the webmaster. This allows me to send private messages, which are more useful for feedback not appropriate for a public forum such as a guestbook. I don't always send an email or make a comment, but it's useful to know that I can if necessary.

It's always a huge delight to find a message board, and it's even better to find that the board is active and in use on a regular basis. You see, this means that I can have discussions with people about a subject, knowing that most of them have some interest in the conversation.

An example of my own message board can be seen if you click the link below.

A good message board allows people to register (as does mine), lets people set up profiles with information about themselves (all voluntary), and informs people (optionally) of updates via email. Additionally, people should be able to post replies and add messages anonymously (at the discretion of the board master).
What does all of this do? It allows people to have conversations about specific topics with a group of interested individuals. What is the value of this? Well, suppose your site is all about the X-Men comic series. It has some great stories which you have written, some graphics and a few videos from the movie (all with permission, of course).

Think of the value you could add by allowing others to have conversations about the X-Men as well. You could let people post questions (which you or anyone else could answer), give advice on where to find the rarer comic books, submit stories and do any number of other things.

This not only has value to you, it has value to your visitors and improves their perception of your site. People will tend to come back to a message board, as long as it is active, in order to find out what's happening, get answers to questions and keep in touch. This, of course, increases the traffic to your own site.
And if you sell a product or service, then a message board takes even a higher value as it gives your visitors a way to communicate their concerns, questions and experiences with your company and your products in a public forum. It's far cheaper than a telephone number, and it's free and easy for your customers.

The moral of the story? Include as many ways for your site visitors to communicate as you can. Put in a guestbook (carefully monitored), an email or form to give communication to the webmaster, and a message board. All of these things give a way for your visitors to communicate, and this gives them reasons to come back.
Additional Information
Free stuff Headquarters
Message Boards Message boards are a great way to add value to your site and to get visitors to come back again and again.
Message Boards - Ethics
Nothing is more sad than a once proud message board being reduced to rubble by a malicious moderator.
Message Boards - Contributor
Message boards thrive on contributions. In fact, without contributors there is no board at all.
Message Boards - Promotion
Message boards are very useful in getting people to return to your site, but they must be promoted in order to be of maximum benefit.
Message Boards - Moderator
The best message boards are wonderfully and expertly moderated. The worst are frequented by nothing but spam robots.
Sticky Sites - Message Boards
You can add a message board to your site to get people to want to come back over and over.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.

Why You Need To Offer A Free E-Book

If you have a website or e-zine, here's how to explode traffic, increase signups, and multiply your profits with very little work.

Hard to believe, right? But let me prove it:

I created my e-book about a week ago. Since I introduced it to the masses I've watched my traffic explode, profits come pouring in, and the rate subscribers sign up for my newsletter has tripled.

With a free e-book, you're going to see many benefits to giving it away for free.

First, I let people know I'm giving away a free e-book in all my classifieds and articles. People love to get free stuff, so they come to my site to grab the goods. This has created a surge in traffic to my site.

Second, it's targeted traffic coming to my website because the title of my e-book is �Secrets of Hard-Hitting Copywriting�! People that come to my site to get their free book are interested in learning how to write better copy. Then, my site
revolves around how they can have better copy for their website.

Third, my sign up rate for my free newsletter has increased because people have more motivation to sign up. They're getting two things for free with their subscription. Not only a newsletter, but an e-book too.

And fourth, I allow people to give my book away for free. So now they're out there giving my book away that's set up with links to my site. Again, this is creating a surge in traffic to my site.

I really want you to understand the power here:

Let's say you're bringing in 30 people a day to your website. I know these are low numbers. But I want you to understand the power here.

Now, by introducing a free e-book, it would be easy to bring in 100 or more a day, instead of the 30 you're used to. This is because they're getting something for free so more people will come.

So, you have 100 people a day. And you have an e-zine that you offer. With the free e-book you're offering to subscribers let's assume you get 70 people signed up each day for your newsletter.

Then, out of those 70 people, let's assume that 20 decide to give your e-book away that's loaded with links to your website. Each of those 20 people gives the e-book away to 70 people too. So, within a very short period your website address is in
front of 1,400 people. And that's off one day's work.

Just think about the kind of traffic you can be getting within a week? Or a month? The results of this are staggering. In fact, the first week I introduced this little gem I brought in over $1,000 in business. Pretty incredible, right? And it's just getting started.

Bottom line, you need to offer a free e-book. Get to work today and create your masterpiece. You'll reap the rewards for years off a job that only
takes days.

About the Author
WANT AN E-BOOK TO GIVE AWAY, but don't have the time to write one? Grady Smith will create an e-book, text, and cover for you. Get details and check out his free e-book and newsletter by visiting

Work from Home Building Content Sites!

Work from Home Building Content Sites!

by: Damion Flynn, Internet Marketer

"Content is King" is a popular saying among Internet Marketers hoping to make a fortune off of article-based websites, but how do you really create a good website that will allow you to make money when you work from home?

Article based sites, generally coded with affiliate based content-driven ads from suppliers such as Google with their Adsense program, are the "newest thing" in the online marketing arena. Everyone is hoping to grab their fortunes utilizing this style of website, but the real question is "How do you really make money?"

If you go to popular websites such as eBay and look up the term "work from home" or "adsense" you will undoubtedly find hundreds (if not thousands) of work from home "opportunities" that you can purchase for anywhere from $30 - $30,000. How do you know which ones are worth buying, and better yet, how much of "an opportunity" is it if you have to buy it?

It is important when you evaluate a work from home program, you do your research, whether it be an Adsense site, selling communications products, or even sellingcandles (this is a great money maker by the way - see The primary focus of this article though, is utilizing content to create a content-driven site that will make good money utilizing adsense.

There are literally hundreds of books on the subject of Adsense alone, but all you really need to know is how to write a good article (great tips at

If you have ever looked through eBay at the work from home opportunities utilizing Google's Adsense program, you have seen hundreds of sites all claiming to be "new to ebay" or "the newest thing" or some other tagline sales pitch. The truth of the matter is, they are all a waste of money! You heard it here folks. Take it from someone who is making in excess of $5k a month just off adsense alone - I have never made a dime off some pre-fab adsense site bought from eBay.

The simple truth is that these sites sold at auction are oversold which leads to saturation in the market (meaning there are too many of the identical site). Once Google sees a few identical sites, it will drop them all as "dupes" (short for duplicates). These sites, after selling about 20-30 copies, basically become garbage. So how do you make money with adsense then?

In order to get quality traffic to your site, you need to write your own content and think "outside the box" to get visitors to your site. There are many ways to do this and by talking to experienced marketers, you too could be making serious cash with content-driven sites.

To talk directly with successful adsense marketers, come join the forums at Not only will you gain valuable insight to the marketing world, you will also have the chance to have your questions answered directly by the people making good money with adsense already. If you are ready to take your sites to the next level and be able to work from home full time, come join us today, get that insight, and get free stuff just for being a member!

Copyright Damion Flynn -